Skills Bootcamp in Health & Social Care (Level 3)
Steadfast’s Skills Bootcamps in Health & Social Care prepare learners for roles in this vital industry, whether you’re starting your career or aiming to progress into leadership roles.

Course Overview
We offer two tailored Skills Bootcamps:
Designed for those new to the sector or aiming to progress, this bootcamp helps learners prepare for:
– Senior Healthcare Support Worker Level 3 apprenticeships.
– A Nursing Degree or Clinical Care pathways.
This Skills Bootcamp in Health & Social Care has been developed to ensure that learners understand what ‘Duty of Care’ is in practice. Learners will also understand the health and safety responsibilities of self, their employer and other workers. Whilst on programme, learners will discover techniques on how to use risk assessments to enable a person-centred approach to delivering care and, where relevant, promote this to other others. Recognising and preventing unsafe practices in the workplace is part of the Skills Bootcamp, as is communication, with learners receiving specific training on how to communicate clearly both verbally and non-verbally to help maximise the quality of interaction with those in their care and colleagues.
The modules delivered as part of this Skills Bootcamp will vary depending on whether learners are new recruits or have been working in the H&S Care sector for some time and already hold some of this knowledge:
– Privacy and dignity in care, legislation and national guidance on signs and symptoms of abuse, defining person-centred care and importance of consent etc;
– Health & Safety, COSHH, moving & handling, hazardous materials and risk assessment and avoidance etc;
– Equality & Diversity legislation, organisational policies and procedures, importance of treating people equally and how discrimination can occur at work.
– Understanding mental health problems (mental disorders, impact of mental ill health, promote mental health & well-being, mental capacity, signs of mental health difficulties, restrictive Practice in Care Settings
– Dementia awareness – signs of Dementia, why depression, delirium and normal ageing process may be mistaken for dementia, early diagnosis, reporting changes cognitive issues, learning disability, categories of psychiatric system;
– Duty of care – what is duty of care? The role and importance of ‘duty of care’, handling difficult situations and complaints;
– Basic life support – checking life support required, positioning, chest compressions, artificial respiration, more qualified staff;
– Infection prevention and control – infection control legislation, personal hygiene and hand washing, PPE, spread of infection, clean workplace and equipment, anti-microbial resistance;
– Hydration, nutrition and food safety – importance of hydration and nutrition, impact of poor food safety;
– Role of a care worker – duties and responsibilities, standards and codes of conduct, agreed ways of working, working relationships, working together, employment rights and responsibilities
– Health interventions/Health & well-being
– Pain & discomfort, factors affecting health & well-being, promote well-being, activities of daily living, use of care plans, signs of deterioration, reporting changes
– Physiological measurements – range of physiological measurements, equipment required, how to perform each task, reporting findings, clean and store equipment
– Stoma care
– End of Life care
– Diabetes Awareness
– Administer Medication to individuals and monitor the effects
– Stroke Awareness
– Undertake agreed pressure area care
– Move and position individuals in accordance with their care plan
– Facilitate person-centred assessment, planning, implementation and review
– Essential Digital Skills for Working in Care
This Skills Bootcamp is for those aspiring to become Leaders in Adult Care. The training will provide skills and knowledge on how to provide frontline support to adults with care needs, provide guidance and direction to others and how to delegate responsibility for the standard of care provided. The Skills Bootcamp is to prepare learners for leadership roles that require exercising judgment and taking appropriate action. Learners completing the Skills Bootcamp will be able to apply their knowledge gained in various settings, including residential or nursing homes, domiciliary care, day centres or clinical healthcare settings
The range of available units on offer are:
– Lead communication in adult care settings
– Develop, maintain and use records and reports
– Lead inclusive practice in adult care settings
– Lead health and Safety in adult care settings
– Facilitate support planning to ensure positive outcomes for Individuals and to support wellbeing
– Understand the process and experience of dementia
– Understanding professional supervision practice
– Understand Stroke Care Management
– Awareness of the Mental Capacity Act 2005
– Continuous Improvement in Adult Care
– Share knowledge and good practice
– Support individuals during the last days of life
– Manage team performance
– Manage induction in health and social care settings
– Appraise staff performance
– Contribute to effective team working in health and social care settings
– Promoting General Health and Safety in Care Settings
Why Attend a Skills Bootcamp?
- Practical Learning: Comprehensive 8-week programme tailored to your career aspirations.
- Fully Funded: No cost to learners.
- Guaranteed Interview: Job opportunities with local care companies upon completion.
- Accessible: No prior experience required—just a desire to help others.
What will candidates on the Skills Bootcamp learn?
- Attitudes and agreed ways of working (6 Cs – Care, Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage and Commitment)
- Professional development and roles within Health & Social Care
- Champion health and wellbeing (Person-centred approach)
- Importance of having the right values and behaviours (Equality, diversity and inclusion)
- Importance of communication and effective handling of information in a care setting
- Supporting individuals to remain safe from harm (Duty of care and Safeguarding)
What’s Involved?
Steadfast’s Skills Bootcamps are a comprehensive 8-week training programme that will meet the needs of your organisation by integrating the elements of training required for individuals to carry out the above roles in the Health & Social Care industry.
The programme is fully funded if you are recruiting new staff. A contribution of 10% (for SMEs) and 30% (for larger employers), respectively, will be required if you wanted to upskill your existing staff.
Upon completion of the programme, employers would commit to providing for each learner a guaranteed interview for existing vacancies or progression opportunities (e.g. increased responsibilities for existing staff).
Employer Benefits
Skills Bootcamps are the modern, practical way to build your organisation’s skills by getting the new recruits trained before they start work and helping existing employees to gain the skills they need to progress within their roles and enabling your business to grow
- Aged 19 or over at the start of your course
- Lived in the UK for at least 3 Years
- Have a National Insurance Number
- Living in Cambridgeshire or Peterborough
How can I find out more and register?
Contact us on;
- Phone: 01775 513050
- Email: