How Apprenticeships Provide a Pathway to a Career…

Apprentices consist of many benefits for individuals and provide them with the ability to make it into a career, But how?

Apprenticeships can help people gain the necessary skills for a particular industry or career path, that costs no money at all to do and is extremely effective. They can take from one year all the way up to four years to complete, but the average is around 15 or 18 months.

So, let’s talk about what an apprenticeship actually is. It’s a paid, hands-on job role within your chosen sector where you will gain relevant experience and also receive training, and this will all happen whilst building relationships with your peers and also learning.

There is a massive array of different sectors or industries you can take an apprenticeship in, which can range from construction or carpentry all the way to healthcare or business and management.

As an apprentice, you aren’t just learning, and you aren’t just working – you’re doing both. You will gain the skills and qualifications needed for a future career but you will also be earning so you can start your independency.

With an apprenticeship you are given the opportunity to apply your knowledge straight away and put to use your skills on a day-to-day basis, by businesses and companies using this method, it can boost your confidence and you will become more confident and comfortable with your capabilities. Whilst doing your apprenticeship you will be taught one on one with an expert in that field. Having someone teach you one on one, gives you the chance to address your weaknesses and perfect your strengths and then when you complete your apprenticeship, you will be ready to take everything you have learnt into your career.

Sometimes, at the end of your apprenticeship there may be a job waiting for you within the same company/ business, which is great because you will know how the company works, have relationships with the people there and you would’ve learnt the different company styles, so you will have the best chance at success rather than being thrown in at the deep end.

At the end of an apprenticeship, you will partake in an end assessment. An end-point assessment (EPA) is the final assessment that an apprentice must undertake at the end of their apprenticeship to determine whether they have achieved the required skills, knowledge, and behaviours. It’s conducted by an independent assessment organization, approved by the government, and tests the apprentice’s abilities in a real work environment through various assessment methods. The outcome of the EPA determines whether the apprentice has successfully completed their apprenticeship and is eligible to receive their qualification.

Take a look at this example about apprenticeships providing a pathway to a career;

‘Charlie had always been interested in a career in healthcare, but she wasn’t sure how to get started. Previously, she had heard about apprenticeships but didn’t know much about them until she stumbled across an opportunity online, it was then that she applied for a healthcare apprenticeship and was thrilled when she was accepted. This opportunity was perfect for her learning style by allowing her to gain practical experience in a real world setting whilst also receiving training.

As Charlie progressed through the apprenticeship, she was very impressed by the quality of training that she received as she was able to work alongside experienced professionals, learning from their expertise and bettering her own skills.

After completing the apprenticeship, Charlie was offered a full-time job at the healthcare facility where she had trained. She was thrilled to have a secure job in a field she loved, with people that she knew, and she also knew that the experience and skillset she gained and the hard work that she put in helped her achieve this and secure her dream job.’

This is just one example of how apprenticeships provide a pathway to a career. They offer a valuable alternative to traditional education and training programs, providing learners with the skills and experience they need to succeed in their chosen fields. With the demand for skilled workers increasing in many industries, apprenticeships are becoming an increasingly popular way to bridge the skills gap and ensure a bright future for both individuals and the workforce as a whole.

Apprenticeships provide a pathway to a career, what do you think?