Healthcare Science Assistant

14 Months
Funding Value
Non-levy Employer Contribution
£400 (5%)
Awarding Body
The Healthcare Science Assistant (HCSA) is a support workforce that plays a crucial role in ensuring safe patient care. They work in various healthcare settings such as hospitals, general practices, and other healthcare facilities. HCSAs are responsible for performing a range of low-risk technical and scientific procedures related to healthcare science. They follow specific protocols and adhere to health, safety, governance, and ethical requirements. Initially, HCSAs work under direct supervision, but with experience, they can work under indirect supervision and rely on standard operating procedures.
During their apprenticeship, the individual will gain the skills, knowledge, and behaviours required for their chosen role and industry. Below are examples of the subject areas to aid them in this effort:
- Person-centred care
- Communication and Working with Others
- Health, Safety and Security
- Quality
- Technical Scientific Services
- Clinical Care
- Audit/Service Improvement
- Research and Innovation
- Leadership
This EPA has 2 assessment methods.
- Assessment Method 1: Observation of practice with questions
- Assessment Method 2: Professional Discussion
Healthcare science assistant
Level: 2
Duration: 14 Months
Funding Band: £8000
Non-Levy Employer Contribution: £400 (5%)
Awarding Body: Pearson
- Apprentices may be required to undertake Level 1 in English & Maths
- Level 2 Diploma in Healthcare Science
- Healthcare Science Associate
On completion of the HCSA Apprenticeship individuals will be eligible to apply to join the Academy for HCS (AHCS) accredited register.