Eco Anxiety and how to overcome it

Eco anxiety is a fear of environmental damage or ecological disaster that comes from observing the impact of climate change and the concern for one’s future and the next generations. Although it isn’t a diagnosable condition, experts do actually say that it is on the rise and is taking a toll on the younger generations … Read more

Safeguarding- What is it? How can we help? And where did it come from?

Let’s start off with the ‘what’. Safeguarding is to protect an individual’s health, wellbeing and human rights which allows them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect (or things similar). Safeguarding isn’t just about adults or just about children. It’s about everyone and a way of coming together as people or communities to prevent … Read more

Pride Month

Pride Month is an annual celebration of the LGBTQIA+ community as a chance to come together and celebrate the freedom to be themselves. It’s a month to highlight the movement for rights and celebrate the culture of the LGBTQIA+ community. This month is about acceptance, equality, celebrating the successes of the LGBTQIA+ community, its history … Read more

Do you know how good short courses actually are?

Short courses are a great way to further an individual’s skillset and their abilities – and whilst we offer an array of 17 different short courses from Asbestos Awareness all the way up to Team Working, I’d like to tell you more about what short courses actually are. Short courses are a way of learning … Read more

How Apprenticeships Provide a Pathway to a Career…

Apprentices consist of many benefits for individuals and provide them with the ability to make it into a career, But how? Apprenticeships can help people gain the necessary skills for a particular industry or career path, that costs no money at all to do and is extremely effective. They can take from one year all … Read more

Internet Safety

In recent years, internet safety has become an increasingly important topic as more and more people spend time online and with the rise of: social media platforms, online shopping, remote work  The internet has become an increasingly massive part of our daily lives. However, with the benefits of the internet also come risks, such as … Read more

Autism Awareness

Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behaviour. Autism affects information processing in the brain by altering how nerve cells and their synapses connect and organize and how this occurs is not well understood. Scientists have been researching for many years but there is … Read more

How are apprenticeships changing the future of work?

Apprenticeships are changing the face of work in the United Kingdom, providing an alternative path to traditional university degrees for young people seeking to enter the job market. With an increasing focus on skills and vocational training, apprenticeships are seen as a keyway to address the country’s skills shortage and to ensure that its workforce … Read more

National Numeracy Challenge (NNC)

Until 31 January National Numeracy Challenge is running a prize draw, offering you a chance to win one of three £100 One4All Digital Vouchers available. To enter the draw all you need to do is complete a check of your numeracy skills on the National Numeracy Challenge. The prize draw is open to all UK … Read more